What are obsession spells?

Obsession spells, a controversial and often misunderstood aspect of magic, are rituals or spells designed to influence the thoughts, emotions, or actions of a specific individual, compelling them to become fixated or obsessed with the practitioner or a desired outcome. These spells are rooted in the belief that through focused intention and manipulation of energetic forces, one can exert control over another’s will and desires. However, the use of obsession spells raises ethical concerns and ethical considerations due to their potential for manipulation and harm. In this article, we delve into the complexities of obsession spells, exploring their nature, practices, and ethical implications.

Nature of obsession spells

Obsession spells typically involve invoking specific deities, spirits, or energetic forces to exert influence over the target’s thoughts, emotions, or behavior. These spells may utilize various magical techniques, such as visualization, candle magic, sigil crafting, or ritual invocation, to focus and direct the practitioner’s intention towards the desired outcome. The goal of obsession spells is to create an intense and overwhelming attraction or fixation within the target, compelling them to think constantly about the practitioner or to act in accordance with the practitioner’s desires.

Practices of obsession spells

Obsession spells can take many forms, ranging from simple rituals performed at home to elaborate ceremonies conducted by experienced practitioners. Some common practices associated with obsession spells include:

  1. Visualization: Practitioners may engage in visualization exercises, imagining the target becoming increasingly obsessed or fixated on them. This visualization is often accompanied by intense focus and concentration to imbue the spell with energy and intention.
  2. Candle magic: Lighting candles in specific colors associated with love, attraction, or domination, while focusing on intentions to influence the target’s thoughts or behavior.
  3. Sigil crafting: Creating sigils, symbols, or magical seals imbued with the practitioner’s desires and intentions, which are then charged with energy and activated through ritualistic means.
  4. Invocation of deities or spirits: Calling upon specific deities, spirits, or energetic entities known for their associations with love, attraction, or manipulation to aid in the manifestation of the spell.
  5. Binding rituals: Performing binding rituals or spells to restrict the target’s free will and compel them to comply with the practitioner’s desires.

Ingredients used in obsession spell

Obsession spells, a controversial aspect of magic, often involve the use of various ingredients to amplify their potency and focus the practitioner’s intentions. While the specifics of ingredients may vary depending on individual practices and traditions, some common elements used in obsession spells include:

  1. Personal items: Personal items belonging to the target, such as hair, nails, or clothing, are believed to enhance the connection between the practitioner and the target, making the spell more potent.
  2. Herbs and plants: Certain herbs and plants are associated with love, attraction, and obsession in magical traditions. Examples include rose petals for love, patchouli for attraction, and damiana for passion.
  3. Essential oils: Essential oils are often used to anoint candles, ritual tools, or personal items to imbue them with specific energies and intentions. Oils such as rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang are commonly used in obsession spells for their associations with love and attraction.
  4. Candles: Candles play a significant role in many magical rituals, including obsession spells. Red or pink candles are often used to symbolize love and passion, while black candles may be used to exert control or dominance over the target.
  5. Crystals: Crystals are believed to possess unique energetic properties that can enhance the effectiveness of spells. Stones such as rose quartz for love, obsidian for protection, or amethyst for psychic connection may be used in obsession spells to amplify their intentions.
  6. Incense: Incense is used to create a sacred atmosphere and raise the energy during rituals. Fragrances such as rose, sandalwood, or patchouli are commonly used in obsession spells to enhance the practitioner’s focus and intention.
  7. Sigils or symbols: Sigils, symbols, or magical seals may be created to represent the practitioner’s intentions and desires. These symbols are often charged with energy and incorporated into the spell to amplify its effectiveness.
  8. Written spells or affirmations: Written spells or affirmations are used to clarify the practitioner’s intentions and focus their energy. These may be written on parchment paper, charged with energy, and burned during the ritual to release the spell into the universe.
  9. Moon or planetary energy: Timing plays a significant role in magic, and practitioners may choose to perform obsession spells during specific lunar phases or planetary alignments believed to enhance their effectiveness.
  10. Offerings: Offerings may be made to deities, spirits, or energetic entities believed to assist in the manifestation of the spell. Offerings such as flowers, fruits, or libations may be presented on the altar as a gesture of gratitude and reverence.


Obsession spells are a complex and controversial aspect of magic, often invoking strong emotions and ethical considerations. While these spells may offer the promise of influencing desired outcomes or relationships, they also carry significant risks and ethical implications. Practitioners should approach obsession spells with caution, mindfulness, and a deep understanding of the potential consequences of their actions. By prioritizing ethical principles such as consent, free will, and harm reduction, practitioners can navigate the complexities of obsession spells with integrity, responsibility, and respect for the inherent dignity and autonomy of all individuals involved.

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